Matched Donations

Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation Matching Gifts Program

(Effective: February 20, 2021)

The CMMRF Matching Gifts program functions as follows:

  1. Gifts to be collectively matched must be received at CMMRF’s office within the twelve-month calendar year.
  2. The minimum amount that will be matched is five thousand dollars, ($5,000); the maximum amount that will be matched is twenty-five thousand dollars, ($25,000).
  3. Checks must be made payable to CMMRF, (Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation, Inc.)
  4. Checks must be received in our office at:
    • Cryptic Mason Medical Research Foundation
    • PO Box 210
    • Brownsburg IN, 46112-0210
  5. If a particular area of research is to be the recipient of the gift and matching funds, then the donor’s letter must state that the gift is toward that particular area of research. at the Indiana Center for Vascular Biology and Medicine, (ICVBM).
  6. Your letter must request the match be made.
  7. This program is applicable only for individual gifts. It does not apply to gifts from Councils, Grand Councils, Foundations, or other similar types of organizations.

Having received a gift(s) that meets the above criteria, then CMMRF will:

  • Match dollar for dollar the amount of the gift to effectively double the amount of the gift to CMMRF.
  • CMMRF will fully acknowledge the donor and area of research when presenting the funds to the ICVBM.
  • CMMRF will likewise encourage Indiana University Foundation to acknowledge the gift to the donor.
  • The donor’s organization and jurisdiction will be given credit for the gift within CMMRF’s General Grand Master’s Award program.

Your Donation Will Save Lives.

Donate to CMMRF today

(812) 988-8861